What is Planning Analytics Model Explorer?

How exactly can Planning Analytics Model Explorer me?

For Modelers and Analysts

  1. Conduct a quick audit of a new or legacy model;
  2. Find potential problem areas and bottlenecks among model objects;
  3. Quickly retrieve data that may not be very convenient to obtain using standard IBM Planning Analytics (Cognos TM1) tools, for example: which cubes use one or another dimension, cubes sparsity, etc.;
  4. Get quick visual information about security settings (for example, who has access to the selected cube and access level, or, conversely, which cubes the selected user has access to);

For managers

  1. Monitor data about user activity during the working day on the dashboard;
  2. Get a list of inactive accounts in order to optimize user licenses;

For users

  1. Get a visual representation of the Model logical map;
  2. Evaluate a set of base data to obtain calculated resulting cubes;
  3. Search for changes in the Model by the new values and view data changes in the transaction log using suitable aliases;
  4. Determine the Processes that change the data in the target cubes;
  5. Receive visualized information about the size of cubes and their components, as well as changes in the amount of memory used over time.

Change Log

VersionDate*New Features and #Updates
1.00March 2023First public release
1.01May 2023* Detailing of dependencies between cubes by measures is added to Model visual maps
* Navigation menu added to each tool page
# Optimized functions for building hierarchies
# Added MessageLog upload for ‘DataFiles’ Connection Type